Medley of Spring Vegetables with Truffle Ricotta and Chimichurri

Medley of Spring Vegetables with Truffle Ricotta and Chimichurri

This delicious medley of spring vegetables is easy to prepare and refreshing to eat, paired perfectly with our 2019 Zephyr

Davis Estates Wines


2 bunches parsley
4 bunches oregano
3 each green garlic bulb, finely chopped
¼ cup red wine vinegar
¼ cup water
1 teaspoons chili flakes
1.1 ounces garlic, minced
As needed olive oil
To taste salt and pepper

1-pound maitake mushrooms, ends trimmed and peeled into large strips (pieces)
1 bunch of asparagus, tough ends removed
1 pound fingerling potatoes
1 pound of English peas, shelled and peas blanched, drizzle with chimichurri
4 ounces baby kale, drizzle with chimichurri
8-ounce slab bacon cut into ½ inch dice, cooked until well browned but not crispy

14 ounces Ricotta
2.5 grams chopped thyme
37.5 grams olive oil
25 grams truffle paste
17.5 grams truffle peelings (save truffle water)
2.5 grams salt
7.5 grams truffle water (reserved from peelings)


Remove all the leaves from parsley and oregano discard stems. Finely chop parsley and oregano and place in a medium bowl. Add the green garlic, vinegar, water, chili flakes, and garlic to the bowl and mix well. Pour enough olive oil to just cover ingredients, season with salt and pepper.


Preheat oven to 425°.

Spread the mushrooms in an even layer on a sheet pan and drizzle with the oil. Season with salt and toss to coat. Place in oven and cook until mushrooms are tender, about 13 minutes. While still warm toss with 2 Tablespoons chimichurri.

Place asparagus on a sheet pan and drizzle with oil. Season with salt and pepper, and roast for 4 minutes or until crisp tender. Once cooled cut on ½ inch bias and toss with 2 Tablespoons chimichurri.

In a large bowl place potatoes and toss with oil, salt, and pepper. Lay potatoes out on a sheet pan and roast for 15 minutes or until potatoes are soft. Allow to cool slightly then slice into ⅓ inch coins and toss in ¼ cup chimichurri while still warm.


Combine all the food listed in the processor and process until well blended, scraping down the sides occasionally.


In the middle of a round plate smear 2 tablespoons ricotta mixture, top with pieces of marinaded potatoes, marinaded asparagus, marinaded mushrooms, a scatter of peas, and small pinch of dressed kale leaves. Garnish with bacon lardons and flowers.

Courtesy of Mark Caldwell, Executive Chef Davis Estates

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